
How to use Artificial Intelligence

here are six practical ways to use
Artificial intelligence

1. For marketing

The impact of artificial intelligence on marketing is revolutionary. Its use allows a radical transformation. Indeed, the major benefit of AI lies in its ability to analyze and exploit vast sets of data, simplifying decision-making processes and automating various tasks.

A concrete example can be found in the field of automated marketing. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to automatically segment different customer groups and sub-groups on the basis of data collected during interactions with the company, be it during a telephone conversation or simply when visiting a website.

This means the end of the era of random segmentation. The most advanced solutions in this area now use machine learning to identify trigger behaviors and implement tailored scenarios for each type of customer.

Thanks to this approach, marketing campaigns become more personalised, increasing their chances of success. What’s more, the availability of accurate data makes it possible to optimise marketing budgets and even anticipate emerging trends, thanks to the detection of patterns that may emerge.

2. For translation and transcription

Audio-to-text transcription and translation are two cutting-edge areas of artificial intelligence. The progress made in automatic natural language processing is clear proof of this.

It is highly likely that you are already using computer-aided translation tools such as Deepl or Google Translate. These tools are invaluable for automatically translating vast quantities of content, such as product sheets or FAQs.

However, there are also other solutions for more specific needs, such as real-time translation of videos or conversations.

Similarly, when it comes to transcription, AI offers the possibility of automatically transcribing audio recordings into text.

Some tools, such as Ringover’s AI, even go so far as to automatically transcribe your calls, enabling you to analyse the emotions of your customers and prospects. We’ll explore this feature further later in the article.

3. For customer service

Customer service is at the forefront of the adoption of artificial intelligence. Chatbots and other virtual assistants are playing a crucial role in this development, impacting professionals in two distinct ways:

On the one hand, by interacting with an AI-powered virtual assistant, customers benefit from greater autonomy and receive rapid responses without having to contact the company’s customer service department directly.

On the other hand, companies are able to relieve the pressure on their call centres, allowing their agents to be called less frequently. This allows them to focus on customer queries that require human interaction, improving the overall quality of customer service.

4. To anticipate customer needs

AI-based solutions offer a better understanding of customer needs and employee performance. The main objective is to provide companies with the means to offer their customers a personalised experience. Thanks to these AI tools, they will be able to :

  1. Facilitating the creation of content that encourages customer autonomy.
  2. Anticipating customer requests.
  3. Save time resolving problems without compromising service quality.

5. What are the advantages of using artificial intelligence as a manager?

The use of artificial intelligence offers managers a number of advantages:

  1. Informed decision-making: AI tools can quickly analyse large amounts of data, providing managers with valuable information to make informed decisions.

  2. Process optimization: AI can automate repetitive and tedious tasks, allowing managers to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

  3. Human resources management: AI systems can help managers better manage the workforce by identifying performance trends, training needs and opportunities for improvement.

  4. Improved productivity: By automating certain tasks and providing intelligent recommendations, AI can help increase teams’ efficiency and productivity.

  5. Prediction and anticipation: Thanks to predictive analysis, managers can anticipate market trends, customer behaviour and future business needs, helping them to take proactive measures.

6. To boost sales

Using artificial intelligence (AI) can be a powerful lever for increasing sales. Here are a few ways you can use AI to boost your sales:

  1. Predictive analysis: Use predictive analysis algorithms to anticipate market trends, identify the most promising prospects and predict customer buying behaviour.

  2. Personalized customer experience: Use AI to collect and analyze customer data to personalize offers and recommendations based on their preferences and purchase history.

  3. Chatbots and virtual assistance: Integrate AI-powered chatbots into your website and social media platforms to provide instant customer support, answer customer questions, and guide visitors through the buying process.

  4. Marketing automation: Use AI-powered marketing automation tools to segment your audience, create personalized campaigns, and send targeted messages at the right time, which can increase engagement and conversions.

  5. Sentiment analysis: Use AI to analyze customer comments on social media, online reviews, and customer service interactions to understand customer trends and sentiments, and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  6. Price optimization: Use AI algorithms to analyze market data, customer demand, and the competition, to dynamically optimize your prices and increase your profit margins while remaining competitive.